1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228
use crate::types::*;
/// Trait for initialization and for queries from the user.
pub trait Info {
/// Echo a string to test abci client/server implementation.
fn echo(&self, echo_request: RequestEcho) -> ResponseEcho {
ResponseEcho {
message: echo_request.message,
/// Return information about the application state.
/// # Crash Recovery
/// On startup, Tendermint calls the [`info`] method to get the **latest committed state** of the app. The app
/// **MUST** return information consistent with the last block it successfully completed [`commit`] for.
/// If the app succesfully committed block `H` but not `H+1`, then
/// - `last_block_height = H`
/// - `last_block_app_hash = <hash returned by Commit for block H>`
/// If the app failed during the [`commit`] of block `H`, then
/// - `last_block_height = H-1`
/// - `last_block_app_hash = <hash returned by Commit for block H-1, which is the hash in the header of block H>`
/// [`info`]: self::Info::info
/// [`commit`]: self::Consensus::commit
fn info(&self, info_request: RequestInfo) -> ResponseInfo;
/// Set non-consensus critical application specific options.
fn set_option(&self, _set_option_request: RequestSetOption) -> ResponseSetOption {
/// Query for data from the application at current or past height.
fn query(&self, _query_request: RequestQuery) -> ResponseQuery {
/// Signals that messages queued on the client should be flushed to the server.
fn flush(&self, _flush_request: RequestFlush) -> ResponseFlush {
/// Trait for managing consensus of blockchain.
/// # Details
/// [_Consensus_] should maintain a `consensus_state` - the working state for block execution. It should be updated by
/// the calls to [`begin_block`], [`deliver_tx`], and [`end_block`] during block execution and committed to disk as the
/// **latest committed state** during [`commit`].
/// Updates made to the `consensus_state` by each method call must be readable by each subsequent method - ie. the
/// updates are linearizable.
/// [_Consensus_]: self::Consensus
/// [`begin_block`]: self::Consensus::begin_block
/// [`deliver_tx`]: self::Consensus::deliver_tx
/// [`end_block`]: self::Consensus::end_block
/// [`commit`]: self::Consensus::commit
pub trait Consensus {
/// Echo a string to test abci client/server implementation.
fn echo(&self, echo_request: RequestEcho) -> ResponseEcho {
ResponseEcho {
message: echo_request.message,
/// Called once upon genesis. Usually used to establish initial (genesis) state.
fn init_chain(&self, init_chain_request: RequestInitChain) -> ResponseInitChain;
/// Signals the beginning of a new block. Called prior to any [`deliver_tx`](self::Consensus::deliver_tx)s.
fn begin_block(&self, begin_block_request: RequestBeginBlock) -> ResponseBeginBlock;
/// Execute the transaction in full. The workhorse of the application.
fn deliver_tx(&self, deliver_tx_request: RequestDeliverTx) -> ResponseDeliverTx;
/// Signals the end of a block. Called after all transactions, prior to each [`commit`](self::Consensus::commit).
fn end_block(&self, end_block_request: RequestEndBlock) -> ResponseEndBlock;
/// Persist the application state.
/// # Details
/// Application state should only be persisted to disk during [`commit`].
/// Before [`commit`] is called, Tendermint locks and flushes the mempool so that no new messages will be received
/// on the mempool connection. This provides an opportunity to safely update all three states ([_Consensus_],
/// [_Mempool_] and [_Info_]) to the **latest committed state** at once.
/// When [`commit`] completes, it unlocks the mempool.
/// # Warning
/// If the ABCI application logic processing the [`commit`] message sends a `/broadcast_tx_sync` or
/// `/broadcast_tx_commit` and waits for the response before proceeding, it will deadlock. Executing those
/// `broadcast_tx` calls involves acquiring a lock that is held during the [`commit`] call, so it's not possible. If
/// you make the call to the `broadcast_tx` endpoints concurrently, that's no problem, it just can't be part of the
/// sequential logic of the [`commit`] function.
/// [`commit`]: self::Consensus::commit
/// [_Consensus_]: self::Consensus
/// [_Mempool_]: self::Mempool
/// [_Info_]: self::Info
fn commit(&self, commit_request: RequestCommit) -> ResponseCommit;
/// Signals that messages queued on the client should be flushed to the server.
fn flush(&self, _flush_request: RequestFlush) -> ResponseFlush {
/// Trait for managing tendermint's mempool.
/// # Details
/// [_Mempool_] should maintain a `mempool_state` to sequentially process pending transactions in the mempool that have
/// not yet been committed. It should be initialized to the latest committed state at the end of every [`commit`].
/// The `mempool_state` may be updated concurrently with the `consensus_state`, as messages may be sent concurrently on
/// [_Consensus_] and [_Mempool_] connections. However, before calling [`commit`], Tendermint will lock and flush the
/// mempool connection, ensuring that all existing [`check_tx`] are responded to and no new ones can begin.
/// After [`commit`], [`check_tx`] is run again on all transactions that remain in the node's local mempool after
/// filtering those included in the block. To prevent the mempool from rechecking all transactions every time a block is
/// committed, set the configuration option `mempool.recheck=false`.
/// Finally, the mempool will unlock and new transactions can be processed through [`check_tx`] again.
/// Note that [`check_tx`] doesn't have to check everything that affects transaction validity; the expensive things can
/// be skipped. In fact, [`check_tx`] doesn't have to check anything; it might say that any transaction is a valid
/// transaction. Unlike [`deliver_tx`], [`check_tx`] is just there as a sort of weak filter to keep invalid transactions
/// out of the blockchain. It's weak, because a Byzantine node doesn't care about [`check_tx`]; it can propose a block
/// full of invalid transactions if it wants.
/// [_Mempool_]: self::Mempool
/// [`commit`]: self::Consensus::commit
/// [_Consensus_]: self::Consensus
/// [`deliver_tx`]: self::Consensus::deliver_tx
/// [`check_tx`]: self::Mempool::check_tx
pub trait Mempool {
/// Echo a string to test abci client/server implementation.
fn echo(&self, echo_request: RequestEcho) -> ResponseEcho {
ResponseEcho {
message: echo_request.message,
/// Guardian of the mempool: every node runs CheckTx before letting a transaction into its local mempool.
/// Technically optional - not involved in processing blocks.
fn check_tx(&self, check_tx_request: RequestCheckTx) -> ResponseCheckTx;
/// Signals that messages queued on the client should be flushed to the server.
fn flush(&self, _flush_request: RequestFlush) -> ResponseFlush {
/// Trait for serving and restoring tendermint's state sync snapshots.
/// # Details
/// State sync allows new nodes to rapidly bootstrap by discovering, fetching, and applying state
/// machine snapshots instead of replaying historical blocks. For more details, see the state sync
/// section.
/// When a new node is discovering snapshots in the P2P network, existing nodes will call
/// [`list_snapshots`] on the application to retrieve any local state snapshots. The new node will
/// offer these snapshots to its local application via [`offer_snapshot`].
/// Once the application accepts a snapshot and begins restoring it, Tendermint will fetch snapshot
/// chunks from existing nodes via [`load_snapshot_chunk`] and apply them sequentially to the local
/// application with `apply_snapshot_chunk`. When all chunks have been applied, the application
/// `app_hash` is retrieved via an [`info`] query and compared to the blockchain's `app_hash`
/// verified via light client.
/// [`list_snapshots`]: self::Snapshot::list_snapshots
/// [`offer_snapshot`]: self::Snapshot::offer_snapshot
/// [`load_snapshot_chunk`]: self::Snapshot::load_snapshot_chunk
/// [`apply_snapshot_chunk`]: self::Snapshot::apply_snapshot_chunk
/// [`info`]: self::Info::info
pub trait Snapshot {
/// Echo a string to test abci client/server implementation.
fn echo(&self, echo_request: RequestEcho) -> ResponseEcho {
ResponseEcho {
message: echo_request.message,
/// Used during state sync to discover available snapshots on peers.
fn list_snapshots(
_list_snapshots_request: RequestListSnapshots,
) -> ResponseListSnapshots {
/// OfferSnapshot is called when bootstrapping a node using state sync.
fn offer_snapshot(
_offer_snapshot_request: RequestOfferSnapshot,
) -> ResponseOfferSnapshot {
/// Used during state sync to retrieve snapshot chunks from peers.
fn load_snapshot_chunk(
_load_snapshot_chunk_request: RequestLoadSnapshotChunk,
) -> ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk {
/// Applies the snapshot chunks received from [`load_snapshot_chunk`](self::Snapshot::load_snapshot_chunk)
fn apply_snapshot_chunk(
_apply_snapshot_chunk_request: RequestApplySnapshotChunk,
) -> ResponseApplySnapshotChunk {
/// Signals that messages queued on the client should be flushed to the server.
fn flush(&self, _flush_request: RequestFlush) -> ResponseFlush {